Help Young People Reach Their Potential in STEM
Calling all Science, Tech, Engineering, and Maths professionals: Be a
beacon of opportunity for Year 12 or S5/S6 students from disadvantaged
backgrounds and host a one or two-week placement in 2024.
It’s easy. No previous experience is needed. We provide training and
support to plan your placement.
It’s enjoyable. Gain mentoring experience and renew your passion for
your field by sharing your work with excited young people.
It will make a difference. Through just a small time commitment you
can inspire young minds.
How does it work?
Eligible students are matched in groups of approximately three to a
suitable host based on their location, availability and subject interests.
• Our experienced and friendly staff provide training and guidance
so you can become a fantastic host with us.
• Depending on on your preference and availability, placements are
one or two weeks and will take place between Monday 22 July
and Friday 23 August 2024.
Apply here.