Getting involved

Whether you have an hour, up to a day, or more time, there is a meaningful way to get involved. We will support you to shape your activity based on your ambitions. There are many different ways you can make a difference for you business and to the lives of young people, including those who face the biggest challenges.

Click here to see how you can get started with DYW Glasgow.


School Engagement

If you have time to inspire and prepare Glasgow's young people on their journey into the world of work then we can support in this. We'll match you with a school where you can work with our DYW Coordinators to engage with the young people


Construction Aware

This initiative provides industry stakeholders with the opportunity to inspire and inform young people around careers and pathways into the world of construction and allows employers to identify talent and address skills gaps. Please get in touch with us at for further information.


School Careers Events

We have a selection of Glasgow schools that have fantastic careers events on in 2024 and we need volunteers!

Can you provide us with some support and help shape our future workforce?

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Work Aware

DYW Glasgow, in partnership with FARE Scotland, launched a new programme called Work Aware at S3. The aim is to provide young people with 10 different employer visits over the course of 12 weeks, and use ‘Glasgow as a Classroom’ by providing young people the opportunity to visit different areas of the city and understand different entry-level positions that could be available to them.

My Climate Path news

My Climate Path

My Climate Path creates an education legacy from COP26 and promotes green and circular jobs to Scotland's young people. Created by Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Glasgow, with DYW Lanarkshire & East Dunbartonshire and DYW West, proudly supported by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and funded by Scottish Government, this initiative supports awareness of green and circular jobs of the future.

Teacher and student working on computer

DYW Digital

DYW Glasgow are working with lots of industry experts to bring young people a range of programmes and activities in digital technology to help them gain valuable skills and experiences in the ever-changing industry and help demonstrate to them the careers available. Discover our events calendar here.

We're also working with ScotlandIS to place a Digital Critical Friend in every Glasgow school. This industry expert will work with Computing Science teachers to support their development in the ever changing industry and help demonstrate to young people the careers available.


Work experience

Work placements can help young people identify the sorts of jobs they may – or may not – be interested in and can help them make informed choices about their future. Work experience can be flexible and can take many forms, from a 1 hour session to a virtual project.


Applying your industry to teaching in schools

We're working with businesses and Education Scotland to support the curriculum to be industry-focused through co-development and co-delivery of learning in the classroom. Business can provide challenges and information on the application of the curriculum to their industry.


Recruitment Pathways

We're happy to talk you through the various pathways to support young people into your business. Our Programme Executives can provide information on the different types of Apprenticeships & Government Initiatives and connect you with the right people.


Young Person's Guarantee

The Young Person's Guarantee brings together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering. It could also be an enterprise opportunity.

Find out more about the benefits to your business

Supporting young people is rewarding for both your business and its employees

Ready to get started?

Speak to us about any of the opportunities listed. We're looking forward to hearing from you