Construction Aware – A.C.Whyte

About the business:

At A.C. Whyte, our 50 year history is built on pioneering performance. Specialising in major building refurbishment and energy efficiency works, we deliver place-based solutions for our Clients. With five decades of industry experience, we have a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects on time, within budget, and with a firm commitment to keeping our residents at the heart of everything we do. We offer a variety of services all of which are delivered by our in-house, fully trained and qualified team.

• Major refurbishment
• Roofing Services
• Render Services
• External Wall Insulation
• Funding
• Gas, Plumbing and Heating

Why was the Construction Aware programme of interest to you?

We were delighted to support in the development of the Construction Aware programme due to the pressing challenge of attracting and retaining talent within the construction industry. With only 2% of school leavers choosing a career in construction, the future pipeline for our industry is at risk. This programme presents an opportunity for us to collaborate with others in the industry to address this issue.  

Engaging with young people early in their studies allows us to educate them about the diverse opportunities available in construction, thereby increasing their interest and commitment to pursuing a career within the industry.  By participating in this programme, we aim to secure a robust future workforce for our industry. 

What activities have pupils undertaken during your Construction Aware programme?

During our sessions, the young people experienced a balanced mix of hands-on practical workshops and theory-based learning. We focused on providing them with opportunities to use the tools and equipment they might encounter on-site, simulating a real-life working environment. Emphasis was placed on working safely and understanding the potential dangers present on a construction site. 

Participation was high throughout the sessions, and a strong sense of camaraderie developed among the young people, fostered by their shared experiences. Small adaptations, such as the introduction of a team-building exercise at the start of each day, supported and encouraged increased participation. 

Our Skills Academy Principal, Tommy Campbell, played a crucial role in building a relationship of trust with the young people, significantly enhancing their level of engagement. He ensured that the sessions focused on their current skills, which are transferable to the industry, creating an exciting and engaging learning environment. 

What has been the highlight of your business’ Construction Aware experience?

The highlight of our business’s Construction Aware experience has been the opportunity to engage with different partners to attract talent to our sector, which is crucial for meeting the ambitious net zero targets set by the Scottish Government. Through this programme, we have been able to educate young people about the diverse opportunities and careers available within our business and the wider construction industry. This has given them a strong insight into the various options and routes they can pursue. The programme represents a meaningful collaboration between businesses, DYW partners, and the GCC, resulting in a promising future pipeline of talent for the construction industry. 

What about the Construction Aware programme would you recommend to other businesses?

Absolutely, I would recommend the Construction Aware programme to other businesses. This is a strong working group, and the more businesses involved, the more young people we will reach. Addressing the industry’s talent challenge requires widespread engagement, and sharing the responsibility of running and maintaining the programme makes it more sustainable and effective. By participating, businesses can contribute to the future workforce and benefit from a collaborative effort to secure the industry’s future.

What value do you feel that Construction Aware and DYW in general can bring to your organisation?

We have partnered with DYW for many years to deliver social value projects in the communities where we work. The Construction Aware programme allows us to implement a long-term solution that can create meaningful change for the young people of Glasgow. This course provides young people with a clear pathway into the industry while giving us greater access to a pipeline of future talent. 

Quote from Stephanie Connor, Head of Human Resources

“With world-leading, ambitious targets for net zero, Scotland needs a carbon army, and it is essential that we attract talent to our sector to deliver on these ambitions. Engaging with different partners through Construction Aware has allowed us to educate students on the opportunities and careers available within our business and the broader construction industry, ensuring they gain a strong insight into the various options and pathways. We remain committed and solution-focused in addressing these challenges facing our industry.

If you would like to help us inspire young people about careers and pathways in the construction and built environment sector, please contact us at to discover more about this project.

Construction Aware is a Glasgow Chamber of Commerce initiative supported by CITB and Landsec and delivered in partnership with FARE Scotland.
