DYW Glasgow Achievements 2023
As we near the end of 2023, we’d like to take this opportunity to share some of the highlights for us, our partners, and the community.
Highlights in 2023:
🎫 Skill the Gap – an event we held in partnership with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, The Verdancy Group, ScotlandIS and City of Glasgow College
☑️ DYW Glasgow’s annual ‘Get Hired’ events with Glasgow City Council Education Services and Skills Development Scotland
💻 An interactive Digital and Tech Careers Showcase hosted by the lovely Anna Devitt
♻️ Expanded our Climate Hero network with a fantastic new group of individuals who are passionate about sustainability
💖 Launched a pilot of our new project, Work Aware at S3 with FARE Scotland
💡 Created an interactive information Padlet for our DYW Glasgow Coordinators
🏦 DYW Coordinators meetings at Barclays UK Glasgow Campus and Golf It!
👏 Worked on the #NoWrongPath campaign to inspire and reassure young people on Results Day. The hashtag reached 7 million people! NoWrongPath
🤝 Hosted a DYW Glasgow networking event as part of the ‘Glasgow House’ series with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
🌟 Held the annual Big Parents’ Night Out with Glasgow City Parents Group
We are looking ahead for the new year and are working in collaboration with various stakeholders from a diverse range of sectors to create bespoke and impactful initiatives, projects and campaigns. If you would like to get involved, please email us at dyw@glasgowchamberofcommerce.com
We would like to thank you all for your continuous support and look forward to working with you all in 2024!