DYW’s Academic year in numbers: 2023-2024
Article by DYW Scotland
Across Scotland’s 32 local authorities, 20 employer-led DYW Regional Groups connect employers with education to prepare young people for the world of work. Supporting this are employer-led boards, made up of over 200 employers and partners across the country, as well as a DYW School Coordinator in every state secondary school in Scotland.
Over the academic year 2023-2024, our 20 regional groups, each with varying demographics and labour markets, made it easier for employers to connect with young people in schools and colleges across Scotland.
Through DYW, employers diversified their organisation’s workforce, helped shaped their talent pipeline and gave back to the local community.
Those involved were able to raise their organisation’s profile as an employer of choice, connect with a diverse range of young people and inspire the future workforce, all whilst providing development opportunities for existing employees and helping their organisation meet corporate and social responsibilities.
Here’s what we did together:
In our urban regions and regions with mixed urban and rural communities and varying volumes of schools and young people, 11 regional groups facilitated employer led activities being delivered to young people in a mix of primary schools, secondary schools and colleges:
- Ayrshire: over 27,400 young people across 24 educational establishments
Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian: over 36,100 young people across 49 educational establishments - Fife: over 27,400 young people, across 25 educational establishments
- Forth Valley: over 21,600 young people, across 27 educational establishments
- Glasgow: over 36,200 young people, across 42 educational establishments
- Inverness & Central Highland: over 14,100 young people, across 14 educational establishments
- Lanarkshire & East Dunbartonshire: over 67,900 young people, across 66 educational establishments
- North East: over 19,600 young people, across 27 educational establishments
- Tay Cities: over 72,300 young people, across 62 educational establishments
- West: over 34,900 young people, across 37 educational establishments
- West Lothian: over 13,800 young people, across 20 educational establishments
In our mostly or all rural communities and varying volumes of schools and young people, 9 regional groups delivered to a mix of primary schools, secondary school and colleges
- Argyll & Bute: over 4900 young people, across 16 educational establishments
- Borders: over 14,900 young people, across 18 educational establishments
- Dumfries & Galloway: over 8900 young people, across 15 educational establishments
- Moray: over 26,600 young people, across 36 educational establishments
- North Highland: over 5500 young people, across 7 educational establishments
- Orkney: over 2400 young people, across 6 educational establishments
- Outer Hebrides: over 2800 young people, across 14 educational establishments
- Shetland: over 2300 young people, across 20 educational establishments
- West Highland: over 5700 young people, across 14 educational establishments
DYW connects all sectors and sizes of business with education, to create opportunities that enable young people to develop skills and prepare for the world of work. Whether you have an hour, up to a day or more time, we can help you find the best way to get involved.
Contact us to find out more.