Engaging with next-generation talent
Last week, our Senior Programme Executive, Nicholas Carroll hosted a brilliant session alongside our special guest speakers as part of Glasgow House, a campaign led by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce alongside Glasgow Life.
It was great to hear Alasdair Irving from St. Enoch Centre share his experience of working with DYW Glasgow. From mock interviews to fundraising for school projects, to fashion sustainability workshops, Alasdair is always finding creative ways to work with pupils to help them transition seamlessly into the world of work.
Many thanks to Megan Stamper from Scottish Football Museum for sharing her experience of engaging and guiding young people through a stand-alone project that will leave a lasting legacy and the role that the Scottish Heritage sector can play in creating these opportunities.
A special thank you to Kenny, Logan and Jack from Bluevale Community Club for sharing their heartening stories and highlighting the importance of volunteering, working with DYW and life-changing initiatives such as Step Up Glasgow.
Thanks to everyone who joined us! Let’s continue to make an impact and work collectively to help our young people to ensure no one is left behind!
If you would like to discover more about DYW Glasgow, please contact us at dyw@glasgowchamberofcommerce.com