Financial & Professional Services Careers Fair
Financial & Professional Services Careers Fair will take place at the Technology & Innovation Centre at Strathclyde University on the 4th October 2024 from 9.30 am to 12:15 pm. DYW LED are holding the event in partnership with DYW Glasgow and DYW West and as a result, will be reaching out to over 120 High Schools from West Central Scotland. The aim is to provide secondary school pupils with a wider understanding of the Financial Sector and Industries and the potential career opportunities in those fields, whilst hopefully inspiring them to select the relevant subjects and pathways at school that can lead to the sector. As a result, we are reaching out to local employers and organisations to support the events as an exhibitor and provide an industry insight on how their business operates within the Financial Industry.
Please email info@dywled.org for further information.
The event will run between 09.30 and 12:15, therefore exhibitors are requested to be set up no later than 09.00 am to allow time for safety briefings etc. Access to the university building will be available from 08.00 am. Breakfast rolls, tea and coffee will be available from 09.00 am. Planned sessions for all schools 10 – 11 am and 11.15 am- 12.15pm
Exhibitors are kindly requested not to pack up until all school pupils have left the building.
Please email info@dywled.org for a booking form to confirm attendance.
The address list for the university Technology & Innovation Centre is included below. Parking around the university is limited, however we have listed 3 public carparks that are within a short walking distance to the campus. For more options check out the information on the Attending an Event page.
Venue Details Strathclyde University Technology & Innovation Centre 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
NCP 68 Montrose Street Glasgow G1 1RS
Cathedral Precinct Car Park 4 Collins Street Glasgow G4 0NL
Parking Cathedral Precinct Car Park 2 40 Cathedral Street Glasgow G4 0RD
Whilst running the event, exhibitors are encouraged to distribute careers literature and should take every opportunity to discuss their own professional experiences and career progression with the pupils. University packs and student handouts will be available on the day.
To encourage them to visit every stand, each pupil will have an activity card. They should only receive your unique ink stamp if they have a meaningful discussion about careers in your industry or participate fully in your activity. You will be provided with your ink stamp on arrival but if you have something available with your company logo (e.g., small stickers), please bring them along. The cards will be entered into a prize draw at the end of each session.
A Networking Lunch for exhibitors will be provided between 12.15-13.30. If you have not already notified us of any special dietary requirements*, please send them to rmcmillan@dywled.org
Pupils and exhibitors will be asked to evaluate their experience during the day. Any exhibitors who would like a copy of the results of the evaluation should email info@dywled.org Tel: 01698 400564
Feedback from exhibitors would be very much appreciated in order to improve future events. Any suggestions should be passed to the contact above.
Use of photography and social media to promote the event (before, during and after) is recommended. The Twitter accounts #STEPINTOFINANCE may be used for the event. Schools will ensure parental consent for photography is requested prior to the event. Any young person without parental consent will be wearing a coloured lanyard, should you see a young person wearing a lanyard in any of your photographs it is requested that you delete the image.
The Finance event aims to provide a positive sector experience to secondary school pupils from the local area. We are proposing that this becomes an annual event in the schools and university calendar, and we hope that you can continue to contribute to providing a successful career insight into Financial careers, to enhance the experience for young people and continue to inspire our emerging talent, workforce and leaders of the future.
Thank you in advance for your considerable contribution to the event.