Calendar of Events
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Barclays B in Tech (15 March)
Barclays B in Tech (15 March)
B in Tech Join Barclays for our “B in Tech” event to inspire our next generation of technologists! The world runs on code! So, if you learn to code, you can have a fun, well-paid and interesting job for life! Event format: 10am arrival at Barclays world-class Glasgow campus in Tradeston Talks from inspirational industry…
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QA – Bridging the Digital Skills Gap
QA has an impressive range of free engagement activities to inspire your learners. Their dedicated Community Engagement Team is committed to bridging the digital skills gap and empowering your learners/participants. Discover more here.
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Software Engineering Apprenticeships
Software Engineering Apprenticeships
At our Glasgow Technology Centre, we have over 2,000 Technologists developing and supporting global systems using cutting-edge technologies. Joining this team as an Application Developer Apprentice, you will learn how to analyze, develop and test code, while working towards an Honours Degree in Software Development.
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St Margret Marys Event (employer event)
Careers Fayre Looking for employers that would like to have a stall and discuss their industry or pathways/routes available for our young people. S2 pupils will be picking their subjects at the end of that month. Please email if you can help.
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Barclays B in Tech (23 Feb)
Barclays B in Tech (23 Feb)
Join Barclays for our “B in Tech” event to inspire our next generation of technologists! Target group - S2 pupils The world runs on code! So, if you learn to code, you can have a fun, well-paid and interesting job for life! Event format: 10am arrival at Barclays world-class Glasgow campus in Tradeston Talks from…
Plan Your Pathway Event: St Pauls High School (employer event)
Plan Your Pathway Event: St Pauls High School (employer event)
School: St Pauls High School Plan Your Pathway event Date: Fri 23rd feb 2024 Time: 12.30 – 3pm Looking for employers to help support subject choices for S4 and careers information for planning chosen destination on leaving school. There will be short intros and pupils move round stall in small groups at 10 minute intervals.