First Bus Engineering Apprenticeship
Case Study by DYW Coordinator Alanah Murphy
School: St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School
Date of Activity: August 2024
Type of Activity: First Bus Engineering Apprenticeship
Name of Activity/Project: First Bus Engineering Apprenticeship
Name of Employer: First Bus
Industry Sector: Engineering
Target Audience: S6
Case Study
Following my case study in March, the young person who participated in an engineering work experience with SPT has now progressed to a First Bus engineering apprenticeship. Josh had previously secured a place in an engineering course at Glasgow Kelvin College. With my support, he applied for the First Bus engineering apprenticeship, successfully completing several steps to secure one of the two positions available at the depot where he will work.
Josh was invited to attend a practical assessment as part of his application, where he was likely the youngest person shortlisted from over 100 applicants. Despite facing personal health challenges during his sixth year at school, he demonstrated resilience and determination, ensuring that he took advantage of every opportunity to pursue his goal of entering the engineering field. His unique experience with SPT provided valuable examples for both his application and interview. With the knowledge he gained from SPT and his passion for engineering and transport, Josh successfully earned a place in the First Bus programme.
Objectives: S6 school leaver gaining a positive destination
Benefits: Gaining valuable insights into engineering through a combination of practical and theoretical learning, while earning an income to support the young person’s future.
Testimonials: “I am really enjoying the apprenticeship. I have been down to England for training at college and now looking forward to getting involved in more practical stuff in the depot”