Levenseat Workshop – Abercorn Secondary

School: Abercorn Secondary

Name of Employer: Levenseat

Industry Sector: Green Environment

Target Audience: Senior Stem Group

Partners/Stakeholders: Levenseat

Case Study
School engagement delivering an active lesson about waste, recycling and career opportunities.

• To analyse and discuss the waste we produce
• To investigate the recycling process
• To understand how to make sustainable concrete from waste.

The children enjoyed an interactive lesson that helped them to understand better the issues surrounding waste management and how to live more sustainably and care better for the environment. They also began to appreciate that there may be jobs for them in the future in this area.

Learning from experts and broadening their learning experience.

‘I’ll remember to wash my juice bottle before I recycle it’
‘I didn’t know I could get a job in recycling’
‘I’ll remember to use the blue bin’