Meet the Team – Nicholas Carroll
Meet the Team – Nicholas Carroll, DYW Programme Manager
How long have you been with DYW Glasgow and what are your highlights so far?
I have been with DYW Glasgow for over seven years. There are too many highlights to mention them all, but here are a few. From an increase in pupils securing positive destinations (almost 100%) to the range and variety of events and projects which we deliver, the people we work with internally as well as our local authority, government and industry partners, it is inspiring to work with people who want to make such a positive impact on young people’s lives.
What is the best part of your job?
Working with like-minded people to create and deliver positive and impactful experiences for young people which can set them on a pathway they may not have previously considered or to open doors which may have been previously closed to them.
Hobbies/Interesting Facts
I am a big football fan and enjoy watching and playing whenever I can. I am also learning Spanish and German as I have friends and family in those countries and like to travel there whenever I have the opportunity.
Favourite Positive Affirmation
Keep the faith!
15 Minutes of Fame
Being in this article
What book or movie have you recently read/seen and why would you recommend it?
I have recently finished ‘Homage to Caledonia’ by Daniel Gray which tells the story of the 500 or so ordinary, mostly working class, individuals who travelled from Scotland to fight the rise of fascism in Spain in 1936 before and during the Spanish Civil War in a variety of ways. There are many parallels and lessons which should be heeded in today’s world and the importance of ordinary people standing together in the face of hate and intolerance.