Parkhill Business Breakfast
School: Parkhill Secondary School
Hub International, Hilton Hotel, ACS clothing, Young Enterprise Scotland, Princes’ Trust, McLays Food, Kelvin College, Glasgow City Council, Highhill Primary School and Nursery
Case Study
Seven young people from different year groups were involved from Tuesday morning in food preparation and setting up the Café for the Business breakfast on Wednesday 20th September 2023.
On Wednesday, the group was split up. Some of them were in the kitchen with the chef Lauren Shields preparing the food to be served on food displays in the café, and some were serving teas and coffees to the guests. One girl was at the door welcoming all the guests upon arrival and walking them to the hall for breakfast.
Although this was not the school’s first Business Breakfast in Parkhill, it was the first experience for the pupils involved. They were very excited and all performed well and delivered a good service. The event allowed the pupils to learn a range of hospitality skills in an interactive and interesting way.
The food was nice and well-presented, and the service was excellent. It was a good experience for them to perform in a safe environment and interact with the businesses present.
As well as learning a range of hospitality skills, they will feel more confident for bigger events and experiences outside the school.
“Fabulous start of the day at Parkhill 4th annual Breakfast Business Meeting. Was brilliant to see young people putting into practice their skills within hospitality…”