S6 Skills for Work Leadership Challenge – SEC
Case Study By DYW Coordinator, Sean O’Neill
School: Hillhead High School
Type of Activity: Workplace visit/challenges
Name of Activity/Project: S6 Skills for Work Leadership Challenge
Name of Employer: Scottish Event Campus
Industry Sector: Live entertainment, marketing
Target Audience: S6 year group
Case Study
The S6 induction week focused on skills for work. As part of this, the young people engaged with our business partner Scottish Event Campus (SEC), who hosted the year group for a day of tours, inspiring talks and a leadership challenge.
On arrival, the young people were split into groups and received tours of the Armadillo Clyde Auditorium and the OVO Hydro, guided by SEC staff from various departments who discussed the demands of their roles and the skills required to succeed.
The main event was the leadership challenge, where teams competed to build towers that were judged by SEC staff on height, aesthetics, and structural integrity as well as each team’s business concept and pitch.
Overall, the skills for work event was an excellent example of how we have embedded DYW into the school curriculum at Hillhead High.
To strengthen our ties with a local employer.
To raise our young people’s awareness of career pathways, and to develop the skills they require to pursue various routes.
The winning team’s prize was one week of work experience at the SEC.
This experience has set the young people up for a final year in school that is focused on developing their skills for the world of work.
It has renewed our partnership with the SEC. We aim to build on this with a programme of activities for all year groups next term.