Skill the Gap
Join us on Friday 17th of March for an unmissable ‘Skill the Gap’ event held by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.
Skills are at the heart of Glasgow’s regional economic strategy. A highly skilled workforce is critical to the region’s economic success. However, the region currently has significant skills gaps and skills shortages, and high levels of skills under-utilisation. In 2020, there was estimated to be a skills shortage in nearly 62% of businesses in Scotland, and 59% of Scottish businesses said they struggled due to the skills shortage.
The nature of skills is changing, and businesses need to be ahead of these trends to ensure economic resilience and competitiveness. Job postings are remaining exceptionally high, as firms reporting they currently had vacancies, 86% said they were finding them difficult to fill, with a lack of skills or experience being the most common cause for the difficulty.
However, there are shortages in the supply of workers and businesses are increasingly seeking to ‘Skill the Gap’ to meet their demands. This brand-new event, Skill the Gap, sponsored by The Verdancy Group and ScotlandIS, is held at the Riverside Campus of the City of Glasgow College. The event will provide delegates with information from businesses and experts from across the region on how they are meeting demands in labour shortages, accessing funding and addressing the needs for future skills.
With a focus on practical solutions, Skill the Gap is designed to equip businesses of all sizes and sectors with information that they can apply directly into their business.
The schedule for the event is now live. Click here to discover more and book your place today via this link.