Work Aware at S3 – Business opportunity to support young people
DYW Glasgow, in partnership with FARE Scotland, are launching a new programme called Work Aware at S3. The aim is to provide young people with different employer visits over the course of 12 weeks, and use ‘Glasgow as a Classroom’ by providing young people the opportunity to visit different areas of the city and understand different entry level positions that could be available to them.
Visits will provide young people with the knowledge of a wide range of work environments and job roles that they may not be aware of. It will provide work inspiration opportunities to allow young people to see the possibilities for their own futures. This programme is aimed at S3 pupils who could be at risk of disengaging from school.
As a business, this is an opportunity to provide valuable work experience for young people as part of a co-ordinated programme to showcase what your workplace can offer, to potential employees of the future.
The first cohort of young people will start this programme from August 2023 onwards. If your business can support this exciting opportunity or you would like to know more please contact