Work Aware – Impact Arts

About the business:

Impact Arts is a Scottish charity, founded in 1994 and based in Glasgow with operations across the central belt. Our mission is to transform people’s lives through participation in creative activities and to use creative engagement to build people’s confidence and empower them to achieve their potential.

Why was the Work Aware programme of interest to you?

We work with numerous groups of young people across Scotland and see daily the challenges and barriers they can face. We wanted to offer school pupils a chance to come and see what Impact Arts does, how they could get involved, or how they might one day work for an organisation such as ours.

What activities have pupils undertaken during your Work Aware programme? Have you seen any changes in young people from start to finish?

During young people’s time at Impact Arts, they took part in icebreaker ‘getting to know you’ activities. This involved learning about the numerous different roles in the charity. They had a tour of the building, which as a previous county jail and courthouse is quite fascinating! They created a poster based on what they understood that Impact Arts does. They learned about different careers within Impact Arts and how members of the team came to work for us.

What has been the highlight of your business’ Work Aware experience?

One of the school pupils who attended our Work Aware day is now engaging in one of our employability programmes as a participant!

What about the Work Aware programme would you recommend to other businesses?

It’s a great opportunity to have a positive input into a young person’s life. For the most part, the pupils were engaged, intelligent and very funny!

What value do you feel that Work Aware and DYW in general can bring to your organisation?

We already receive referrals from DYW coordinators to our programmes which is wonderful. As a charity, we understand the need for good connections and partnership working so we hope to be able to continue that relationship with both the Work Aware team and DYW.

Quote from employer

Work Aware is a fantastic programme for young people. We have thoroughly enjoyed being part of it and I hope that the pupils got as much from it as we did!

Work Aware is a Glasgow Chamber of Commerce initiative in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce Glasgow, FARE and Glasgow City Council and funded by Inspiring Scotland.
