Cardinal Winning Secondary school – Career Ready

School: Cardinal Winning Secondary school

Type of Activity: Internships

Name of Employer: (Career Ready) Be. It and Encompass Corporation

Industry Sector: It and Recruitment

Target Audience: S5

Two mentors from these companies took part in this activity. Ryan Kerr from Encompass Corporation and Nicholas Martin from Be. It

Case Study

Last year, two pupils in 5th year took part in the Career Ready program.

They built some skills and a relationship with their mentors during the year through masterclasses and hosted one to one meetings.

At the end of June and throughout July, both the boys started an internship, one in the Be.It office and the other one in the Encompass office.

They attended daily from Monday to Friday for four weeks and worked on a project for the two companies. At the end of the internship, they both presented their work in front of other mentees and colleagues.


Both young people have built up self-esteem during the Career Ready program. In the beginning, they lacked confidence and some social skills, especially around adults. After the summer, you could see two lovely young men, such a difference! They worked with the other mentees to deliver the project and learned a lot.


Not only has this experience taught them both about self-confidence and the world of work but it helped them to become very independent travellers and gave them extra skills that will prove to be very beneficial when they’ll leave school.


“A done a presentation at the end which I had the pleasure of listening to, where he spoke in a very confident manner in front of a small audience. Didn’t even read from any notes which was a bonus! Overall, he done very well, and it was great to have him. I hope he enjoyed it! Please do pass along the feedback to him, as he was a joy to have on our team for the 4 weeks!”

“C has done an absolutely fantastic job. The work he’s done over the past 4 weeks; the amount he has had to learn and how he adapted to the new environment is incredible and he should be incredibly proud of how far he has come so far. I can’t sing his praises enough especially standing up today in front of 20+ people plus more who joined remotely, he’s done an incredible job today pushing through the nerves and delivering his presentation with confidence.”

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