Connect with a diverse range of young people who can bring wider life experiences, new ideas and skills
Developing the Young Workforce, DYW, are employer led and it’s our priority to make it easier for employers to connect with young people in schools and colleges across Scotland. We believe it’s a team effort to support young people to prepare for the world of work. By bringing together employers and educators’ through DYW, young people across Scotland are experiencing rich insight and inspiration from diverse sectors, occupations and individuals who took different pathways to their careers.
Employer leadership is central to our work and there are 20 DYW Employer Led DYW Regional groups across Scotland with a funded DYW Coordinator in every state secondary school across the country too.
Our ongoing work at regional and national level helps connect employers with a diverse range of young people who can bring wider life experiences, new ideas and skills to the workplace. All regional groups are funded by Scottish Government and one area of our funded work focuses on working collaboratively with specialist partners to increase work-based learning and employer engagement opportunities for those who would benefit most.
Promoting inclusive economic growth is at the heart of the Scottish Government’s commitment to growing Scotland’s economy. This can be seen within Scotland’s National Performance Framework which outlines the vision and desire to create an inclusive culture by providing opportunities to all. In line with this vision, the Young Person’s Guarantee, which DYW is a key element of and a conduit for employers to get involved; commits to providing every young person between 16 and 24 the opportunity to go to university or college, an apprenticeship programme, training, fair employment including work experience or participating in a formal volunteering or enterprise programme – ensuring no young person is left behind.
Around one in four children live in poverty. In February 2017 the Scottish Government introduced the Child Poverty Bill which set out targets to reduce the number of children experiencing the effects of poverty by 2030. The Child Poverty Act is part of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, which sets out the overall strategy for tackling poverty and inequality in Scotland. The Scottish Governments No One Left Behind strategy sets out the commitment to support those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage and those with protected characteristics into the labour market.
At DYW we work hard to ensure a variety of opportunities for young people, we are conscious this can change their lives and our collaboration with partners like Career Ready, MCR Pathways and Enable Works, to name a just a few, ensures when an employer works with us we can be the connector they may need for any specialist support.
We promote and advocate for Fair work and the importance of creating meaningful, sustainable jobs and opportunities. Our network of Employers are supported to sign up to the Young Person’s Guarantee where equality, inclusion and working to end discrimination are central to the vision of a connecting every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland with an opportunity.
Whilst we celebrate and shine a spotlight on equality, diversity and inclusion through the #AJobForEverybody campaign, this is not just about one day, this is about every day and every workplace doing business with this at its heart. DYW are here to help and we would love to chat. Get in touch with us at