RICS School Surveying Visit
RICs are currently focusing their engagement on the following areas based on low socio-economic backgrounds – please see the below offering available from April.
RICS Schools and Colleges Outreach Programme
At the RICS, we have created several interactive and exciting engagements, targeting young people aged 15–18-year-olds, aiming to offer an insight into the built environment looking at a variety of career pathways within Surveying.
Sustainability Workshop
A brief overview of surveying, looking at different career options within land, property, and infrastructure. The presentation will be followed by an interactive sustainability challenge. Students will form teams and tasked to create a sustainable entertainment venue for young people of a similar age. This workshop will enhance team working, communication, creativity, and presentation skills.
Career Insights
Led by a surveyor/apprentice, they will present their experiences as a surveyor including their job role, career, pathway, RICS membership. Following the presentation there will be a time for Q&A with the facilitator.
You can book here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/NaomisDiary@RICS365.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/