Loganair – St Paul’s High School
School: St Paul’s High School
Name of Activity/Project: Support delivery NPA Level 6 Travel and Tourism
Name of Employer: Loganair
Industry Sector: Travel and Tourism
Target Audience: S4
Case Study
Loganair staff recently visited the S4 National 5 Travel and Tourism class. Loganair colleagues from HR completed a presentation on the company and discussed Cabin Crew and Flight Deck information as well as a short presentation on Customer Service. The learners also heard from an Loganair apprentice and their journey to their current position.
Objectives: For learners to explore the wide range of careers/apprenticeships that Loganair offers and the skills/qualities needed for these roles.
Two learners signed up to hear more about the engineering apprenticeships.
Benefits: Learners were able to ask professionals about real-life challenges in the travel and tourism industry. It also allowed them to see the wide range of jobs involved that they may have not studied.
Loganair commented that it was great to reach out to schools and inform learners what jobs there is out there. If they have captured one learner’s attention then they have done their job.