MCR Pathways – Hospitality Work Experience
School: Bannerman High School
Type of Activity: Work Experience
Name of Activity/Project: Lunch Service
Name of Employer: Thornwood Bar and Restaurant
Industry Sector: Hospitality
Target Audience: This particular activity was aimed at an S5 ASN student who is currently working with MCR Pathways
Partners/Stakeholders: MCR Pathways
Objectives: To offer a real-life working environment where the young person can learn and develop new skills in a safe environment
Case Study
Working closely with the MCR Coordinator at Bannerman, a young man was identified as wanting to leave school with aspirations of becoming a chef but had no experience in the world of work. This young person has additional support needs and struggles to understand his emotions and communicate effectively with others. It was apparent this young person would need support if he where to transition from school into further education or the world of work.
The young person works with MCR and has a mentor who he engages really well with, they were matched due to common interest and one of them being their love of hospitality and practical cookery. The MCR mentor is a restaurant owner and wanted to support the pupil as much as he could sharing his own knowledge and experience of the industry as well as his own person employment pathway.
Through ongoing discussion and relationship building, MCR Pathways and DYW Glasgow discussed possible opportunities in the work place which resulted in his mentor offering him a morning a week work experience in his bar and restaurant. The main aim of this was to provide the young person with a realistic view of what working in a kitchen and busy restaurant is like as well as developing his practical cookery skills and confidence when working with others.
DYW Glasgow supported this experience by completing the necessary paper work, liaising with pastoral care and supporting independent travel for the young person.
The work placement has been running now for over 8 weeks and the young person is traveling to and from the restaurant independently which is something he couldn’t do before he started. The young person is learning valuable experience in the Thornwood kitchen and loves his time there. This young person has grown so much in confidence he and has been accepted into a full-time practical cookery course in January. DYW Glasgow will continue to support the young person by linking in with the college and the young person to help sustain a positive destination.
Benefits: The young person has gained valuable work experience in a field he wishes to pursue as a career.
Other benefits have been:
– Developed Practical cookery skills
– Increased confidence when working and meeting new people
– Encouraged Independent travel
– Increased decision making related to their future.