Career Ready Launch Event
School: John Paul Academy
Type of Activity: Work inspiration/preparation
Name of Activity/Project: Career Ready launch event
Name of Employer: Network Rail, SSE, Morgan Stanley, Scottish Government, Webhelp UK, AVIVA
Industry Sector: rail, energy, finance, governance, tech services, insurance
Target Audience: S5s
Partners/Stakeholders: Career Ready
Case Study
Our young people participated in the Career Ready launch event, meeting their mentors from the world of work for the first time. Each mentor holds senior positions in leading companies/organisations in fields relevant to the career aspirations of our young people. The mentors and mentees took part in ice-breakers and getting to know you activities, and also heard inspirational stories from alumnis on how the programme sets you up for a successful career.
For young people to be happy with their matches, to gain a better understanding of the mentor/mentee relationship, to leave feeling motivated for the rest of the programme.
Increased employer engagement opportunities
Mentor/mentee relationships
Plans have been put in place for a follow-up school-led meeting
Visible boost in confidence for young people who are starting to take their futures more seriously
“I want to be an accountant when I leave school so having the advice of an accountant from Morgan Stanley is great for me” – Robyn